<p>(1) Employment creation: more than 6592 people directly and indirectly promote employment, including more than 2000 college students.</p>
<p>(2) Support for Entrepreneurship: there are more than 2000 self-employed businesses, including nearly 500 college students.</p>
<p>(3) Paying taxes according to law: the total amount of tax paid by each branch company in the whole year ranks in the forefront of the same area and industry.</p>
<p></p><p> <strong>System and training</strong></p><p> 1. Each company has developed a number of relevant systems and standards to timely check and eliminate fire safety hazards.</p><p> 2. Organize special training for employees and merchants, improve safety awareness and fire fighting practical skills, and put an end to crisis.</p><p> <strong>Fire drill</strong></p><p> All the companies of the group participated in 25 fire drills in the whole year, including Shenyang Branch, Nanjing branch and Guangzhou Branch. At the same time, all companies are equipped with various fire-fighting equipment, alarm devices and other fire-fighting facilities and equipment.</p><p> <strong>Property inspection</strong></p><p> The head office of the group carried out two joint inspections of property management in the whole year, and effectively improved the property level of each branch company through horizontal exchange, investigation and study among companies.</p><p> <strong> Gas management</strong></p><p> The group's companies have realized real-time monitoring of gas management and inspection of handheld devices.</p><p> <strong>Electrical safety</strong></p><p> The electrical safety management of each group company has reached the national safety standard.</p><p style="text-align:center;"><img src="{{asset('images/1456284024434091.jpg')}}" title="1456284024434091.jpg" alt="时尚与安全.jpg"/></p> </div>
<li class="culture-item1-b1"><a href="{{route('enfashion_city')}}"><p>Fashion and city</p><img src="{{asset('images/e70eb8d9f490a60f53bb62a7bffbfbfc.png')}}"></a></li>
<li class="culture-item1-b1"><a href="{{route('enfashion_city')}}"><p>Fashion and city</p><img src="{{$data1->url}}{{$data1->pic_path}}"></a></li>
<li class="culture-item1-b2"><a href="{{route('enfashion_safety')}}"><p>Fashion and safety</p><img src="{{asset('images/bba456e0e22727f4b4b67584c7289614.png')}}"></a></li>
<li class="culture-item1-b2"><a href="{{route('enfashion_safety')}}"><p>Fashion and safety</p><img src="{{$data2->url}}{{$data2->pic_path}}"></a></li>
<li class="culture-item1-b3"><a href="{{route('enpublic_welfare')}}"><p>Fashion and public welfare</p><img src="{{asset('images/c9440293e4fdfddf1b2d1bbfd8ec51a0.png')}}"></a></li>
<li class="culture-item1-b3"><a href="{{route('enpublic_welfare')}}"><p>Fashion and public welfare</p><img src="{{$data3->url}}{{$data3->pic_path}}"></a></li>
<p> Shenyang Branch welfare center love activities</p><p> With full love, employees and business owners donate a lot of money and materials to children's welfare homes.</p><p> Nanjing Branch cares for autistic children and presents lunch activities</p><p> Nanjing branch and Nanjing mainstream media "Nanjingzerodistance" have jointly planned "smallkindness,biglove,lovelunch" to care for autistic children and present love lunch activities.</p><p> Guangzhou Branch "fashionhappinessday" project.</p><p> Guangzhou Branch, together with Yangcheng Evening News and Guangzhou yigonglian, set the 24th of every month as "fashionhappinessday". Connect the company's employees with the merchants and the employees of the shopping malls to help those in need.<img src="{{asset('images/1456284629884271.jpg')}}" title="1456284629884271.jpg" alt="时尚与公益.jpg" style="text-align:center;"/></p> </div>